Guía de viaje de México
Wotoch Aayin Tour

Among crocodiles and mangroves at the Wotoch Aayin Ecotourism Center

Rutopía editorial team
Rutopía editorial team
September 30, 2024
- min. de lectura

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Campeche is a state that has different places full of history and nature. It hosts natural wonders, where tourists may experience a reencounter with nature. An example of this natural diversity is the Wotoch Aayin ecotourism center. Wotoch Aayin “The House of the Crocodile,” in the Mayan language, is located in Isla Arena, which is part of the municipality of Calkiní.

Rutopía works with rural communities surrounded by biodiversity. The Wotoch Aayin Ecotourism Center is no exception. Their facilities are located in a unit for conservation, management, and sustainable use of wildlife (UMA), specifically for the breeding of crocodiles. A small fishing community manages the ecotourism center. Rutopía will accompany travelers throughout their experience in the natural conservation of Campeche.


A sample of what Wotoch Aayin Ecotourism Center offers

A tour of the Sustainable Crocodile Farm is a unique experience visitors can have at Wotoch Aayin Ecotourism Center. Here visitors will learn how the Moreletti or Mexican crocodile lives in its natural ecosystem.  Travelers will also meet all the experts committed to its conservation. In addition, the guides will tell them about the crocodiles’ ancestral importance to the ancient Mayans. 


In the area, it is also possible to take a night walk, to appreciate with each step the light and natural sound of the fireflies a walk surrounded by a relaxed atmosphere with a harmonious melody of the tinkling and aroma of the forest.


Visitors can venture a ride on the river of Isla Arena. During the tour, they will see fish and birds, feel the breeze and observe the magnificent colors of sunsets aboard a canoe.  This experience will make sure visitors connect with nature. 

A natural getaway

At the Wotoch Aayin Ecotourism Center, travelers cannot miss the opportunity to visit the Ría Celestún Biosphere Reserve — an enriched place with different species of birds coexisting in their natural habitat and ecosystem.


Visitors can take tours of the mangrove, where not only the unique sounds of the birds may be heard but also the calm waters, the aroma of the forest, and the local fauna.

Rutopía hosts travelers in a pleasant place to enjoy every night and moment, connecting with nature.



For those travelers who enjoy food and would like to taste traditional Mexican food, Rutopía recommends a restaurant with a tropical atmosphere. A menu specializes in fresh local seafood, fish, and other unique dishes from Wotoch Aayin. Visitors can not leave without immersing themselves in the delicious gastronomy of Campeche.


The guides at Wotoch Aayin promote tourism in a way that it’s aligned with sustainability. This is achieved by their hosts, as they transmit ecological values to visitors to create a deeper environmental consciousness. As a result, Travelers may live, feel, enjoy and take care of these ecosystems and unique species.




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