Guía de viaje de México
Selva Lacandona Guide

Selva Lacandona Mexico: Everything you need to know for your trip

Rutopía editorial team
Rutopía editorial team
September 30, 2024
- min. de lectura

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First of all, the Lacandon Jungle is the largest jungle extending through Mexico, Belize and the north of Guatemala, since it has fourteen million hectares being the largest tropical forest in the American continent, being the refuge of unique and endangered species, especially of the Mayan communities, which still preserve their roots.


What is the Lacandon Jungle?

The Lacandon Jungle in Mexico is the most diverse area in our country, since ten percent of the species that inhabit the Mexican Republic are concentrated in it, such as 3,400 species of plants, 625 species of butterflies, 345 birds and 84 reptiles, included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of UNESCO in 2010.


The Lacandon Jungle is a tropical region located in the southeast of the Mexican Republic in the state of Chiapas, this region characterized by the green area makes it a unique place. Located on the banks of the Lacantun River is a community of Lacandones.


Geographic Area

The Selva Lacandona comprises a territory of approximately 1.8 million hectares, located mostly in the mountains of eastern Chiapas, representing 3.8 percent of Mexico’s total area.


How to get to Chiapas?

It all depends on the place you want to visit, the most convenient for any type of trip is to get to the capital of Chiapas, which is Tuxtla Gutierrez, from there you can go by rental car, tours or public transportation, but we recommend you for safety reasons to take a tour because the road is dirt road and the road that crosses leads to the border road so you can enjoy the views.


Who lives in the Lacandon jungle?

The Lacandones are a group of indigenous people, considered the protectors of the Chiapas jungle, who preserve the traditions and religion of their ancestors, although over the years it has been modernized, it can be seen that they have a wild side, they are mainly dedicated to agriculture, hunting and tourism.


Weather during the year

During the whole year it is very hot in the Lacandon Jungle, from November to February the temperatures are not so high so they are the best months to go, from June to October the rains are usual so it is better to avoid this season, during vacations or Holy Week are usually high seasons and full of tourists so if you don’t like crowds you should avoid these dates.


Fauna that inhabits it

There are many animals that inhabit this place, the sum of these is more than 5,000 among which are:

  • Jaguar species that is in danger of extinction being this the region considered as their home for these felines.
  • Scarlet Macaw is a species with colorful and striking plumage.
  • Ocelots is a species similar to jaguars, it is considered one of the small felines, of varied fur with elongated black spots.
  • The spider monkey has a dark coat with brown or beige tones or completely black.


Below we will tell you everything you need to know about the activities you can do when traveling to Selva Lacandona with Rutopía.Request your trip now

What can you see or do?

  •    At the Tres Lagunas Ecotourism Center  

We recommend you to enjoy the jungle camping in the moonlight either camping on the banks of the Lacanjá River or in the ecotourism center, or if you prefer you can stay in the cabins.

In this camp you can enjoy activities such as capturing the wonders of this jungle in photographs that you will remember whenever you see them.

In addition to these activities, you can enjoy the flora and fauna, the importance of conserving them by learning about the seeds of the trees and planting them in reforested areas, canoeing or canoeing in the lagoons, a bonfire night with storytelling of the Lacandon people, and enjoy the food.

  •    At Topché Jungle Lodge  

You will walk in the heart of the Lacandona jungle along the Lacanjá River. Together we will enjoy nature in a time of 4 hours: 2 hours down the Lacanjá River and walk through the jungle. In addition, we will explain the Mayan ruins of Lacanjá and the bat pool.

 You will learn about a place preserved for decades by the community, the use of medicinal and edible plants, let’s explore together the ruins of Lacanjá, a lost Mayan city, and the Poza de los Murciélagos, where you can take a dip and enjoy nature.

You will have the opportunity to take a workshop where you can make necklaces and bracelets with amber and keep them as a souvenir created by your own hands.

Walk through the bat pool, where you can observe animals, birds, reptiles, the bat pool is a space where you can swim.

  •    Kuxren  

Explore, discover and learn about the meaning of nature, its culture and the connection that unites us to it, either camping or staying in cabins, you can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking observing nature and animals.

Living together, learning about environmental awareness and crocodile safari.

  •    Naha Jungle Lodge  

We will live with people who will tell you about the culture, milpa and the importance of the jungle for the Lacandon people, they will also show you the process of the corn tortilla and you will taste a delicious meal.

You will have a tour of the Nahá and Amarillo lakes where you will feel the tranquility, aromas and the voices of nature. You will be accompanied by a Lacandon who will share with you the different species that are in the boat, you will navigate to the yellow lake and, with a little luck, observe some turtles and crocodile hatchlings. The tour lasts two and a half hours.

 You will experience one of the ancestral rituals of the Hach Winik (“Lacandon Mayan” in the native language) culture.

This workshop is done with a Lacandon man. You will work with the necessary tools for the development of this experience, which consists of creating bows and arrows as the ancient Lacandon did to hunt and fish.

The activity can be done as a family or individually. At the end of the construction of bows and arrows, you will practice shooting to develop your bow and arrow skills.

In the workshop you will be explained the technique of making clay and you will also have the opportunity to mold your own figures.

  •    Canto de la Selva   

You will visit a spring of thermal waters that flow into a stream of waters where pools of very pleasant temperature are formed where you can take a break at the edge of the stream or swim.

The Manzanares stream is one of the most important in the area, it has a permanent flow.

You will travel an elevated circuit more than 20 meters high, between trees and across bridges, which will give you the opportunity to appreciate the jungle from a different point of view, where you can observe the treetops and, with a little luck, wildlife such as the spider monkey, saraguato monkey or various birds.

  •    Lacandones Camp  

You will be able to practice interpretative trekking where besides walking and enjoying the environment, it is to know and discover what we are observing. In Las Golondrinas you can live an adventure among the exuberant vegetation, the birds and the views of the waterfalls.

You can enjoy the archaeological site of Yaxchilán, which is an example of the apogee of the Mayan cities, not only in the beauty of the architecture.

Bonampak did not achieve a great development in its architecture, like the rest of the Mayan archaeological sites of the Middle Usumacinta region, but it did stand out in other areas, such as the excellent execution of stone lintels, stelae and beautifully carved monuments.


In Rutopia we will be happy to take you to the places you want to know, so if you want to request another type of trip we leave you the link Request your trip now and the ecotourism map so you can see the places where we can take you.

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