Guía de viaje de México
Chiapas Nature Trip

Chiapas Trip: 3 Nature Places to Assemble Your Itinerary

Rutopía editorial team
Rutopía editorial team
September 30, 2024
- min. de lectura

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Planning a trip to Chiapas is quite a mission because Chiapas has a great variety of places to visit and ecosystems in mountains, jungles and forests. To take a trip to Chiapas is to enjoy different climates, to travel through part of the Lacandon Jungle, and to follow rivers that feed living things and separate nations such as the Usumacinta River that borders Guatemala.

In Chiapas there are majestic lakes, waterfalls and grottoes. It also has one of the most impressive Mayan routes of pre-Hispanic sites: Palenque which is a World Heritage Site for its historical display of power, art and wisdom in its architecture; Yaxchilán, Bonampak and Toniná surrounded by the great jungle: the Lacandona Jungle, one of the last lungs in the world.

If you still don’t know what places to visit on your next (and hopefully not so distant) trip to Chiapas and want to be in contact with nature, recharge your battery  on the slopes of a volcano or walk through trails of coffee plants, here are 3 places of nature to visit on a trip to Chiapas:


Tzimol: the place of waterfalls and turquoise pools

Waterfall in Tzimol Chiapas.

Tzimol is a small town descended from the Mayan culture surrounded by sugar cane crops and a warm forest full of deer, badgers and tepezcuitles. Here you will taste the most local drink: pox, a liquor made with sugar cane. You will also learn about the elaboration of palm petates and you see how panela (raw sugar) is handmade Don’t leave without touring one of the Chiapas’s impressive waterfalls and turquoise pools feed by the San Vicente River.


Tacaná: ascent to Central America’s first volcano

Travel by looking at the landscape from tacaná volcano.

If you practice hiking or want to see unique landscapes, a hike up the Tacaná volcano has to be part of your itinerary of places to visit on a trip to Chiapas. Arrive at Talquian village, a quiet community off the beaten path where you will be welcomed by  Mam culture hosts. The area has a wide variety of climates ranging from the tropical heat of the coastal plain to the cold of the high mountain, including one of the last remaining mesophile mountain forests in Mexico.


Tziscao: the coffee growing community

Cottages in front of the Montebello Lakes.

Tziscao is a community located within the Montebello Lakes National Park. Here you can pick organic coffee and go into the cloud forest to learn about the flora and fauna. You will also have the option to visit an agro-ecological center where you can collaborate in the environmental conservation of the place and learn techniques to create your own organic garden.

Now that you have several options for places to visit in Chiapas, take into account the distances to organize your itinerary and live experiences within nature and with local guides. We assure you that your trip will be different from the one you had dreamed of!



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