9 ecotourism attractions in Quintana Roo
The splendor that surrounds Quintana Roo is something extraordinary, from its white-sand beaches and turquoise sea to its significant cultural mosaic, biodiversity of flora and fauna, ancestral history, and ecotourism attractions. Likewise, this paradise on earth holds the history of its Mayan ancestors. Memories that today are visible in its traditions, gastronomy, and archeology. So […]
From Holbox to Chetumal: Mayas of Mexico and the meaning of their cities
Many reasons determine the name of a place. Elements such as climate, vegetation, animals, etc., can influence it. For example, what does Mexico mean? Although there are several theories, one of the most common is composed of the Nahuas words metztli (moon) and xictli (navel), which means “in the center of the moon.” The same happens with […]
9 atracciones ecoturísticas en Quintana Roo
El esplendor que envuelve a Quintana Roo es algo extraordinario, desde sus playas de arena blanca y mar turquesa, a su gran mosaico cultural, biodiversidad de flora y fauna, historia ancestral y atracciones ecoturísticas. Igualmente este paraíso en la tierra guarda la historia de sus antepasados mayas. Memorias que hoy en día son visibles en […]
De Holbox a Chetumal: Significado de las ciudades mayas de Quintana Roo
Hay diversas razones que determinan el nombre de un lugar. Elementos como el clima, la vegetación, los animales, etc., pueden influir en ello. Por ejemplo, ¿Sabes qué significa México? Hay varias teorías, una de los más comunes es que se compone de las palabras nahuas metztli (luna), y xictli (ombligo). Significando “en el centro de […]