Les quatre sites archéologiques les plus étonnants du Yucatán

La péninsule du Yucatan est le berceau de l’une des cultures les plus importantes de la Méso-Amérique : les Mayas. Réputés pour leur système d’écriture sophistiqué, leurs connaissances avancées en astronomie et en mathématiques, ainsi que leur remarquable architecture, les Mayas ont laissé un héritage dans la région. Les temples, les enceintes et les pyramides qui […]

Archaeology in the immensity of Oaxaca: Monte Albán

The archaeological site of Monte Alban, Oaxaca, is one of the most extraordinary in Mexico, among other things, because here live the ruins of what was one of the largest Mesoamerican cities that ever existed. This pre-Columbian city was founded in 500 BC and functioned as the Zapotec capital until 800 AD. This iconic site is […]

Mexico has the largest (and most important) underwater archaeological site in the world


For the Maya culture, cenotes were very important. They were considered sacred places, among other things because water was obtained from them and they were strategic points to install cities. For the Mayas, these water holes were considered the gateway to the underworld. The cenotes were a fundamental part of the cosmovision, because they were […]

México tiene el sitio arqueológico submarino más grande (e importante) del mundo.

Para la cultura maya los cenotes eran muy importantes. Se consideraban lugares sagrados entre otras cosas porque de ahí se obtenía el agua y eran los puntos estratégicos para instalar ciudades. Para los mayas estos ojos de agua eran considerados la puerta al inframundo. Los cenotes eran una parte fundamental de la cosmovisión pues eran […]

Six unnoticed archaeological sites in Chiapas

zona arqueologica palenque en chiapas templo de las inscripciones

The diversity and history of Mesoamerican cultures in Mexico is not only the pretext to start a great journey (Let’s hope with Rutopia), but also is the possibility of appreciating life from its purest origin. That said, archeological sites in Chiapas should be your next stop. Regarding this, in this country, there is a great […]