Three Projects of Women Enterprising in Rutopia

mujeres milenarias del el almacen oaxaca

In Rutopia, we work closely with many projects starring women enterprising that travelers can visit throughout Mexico. These women are powerful, courageous, unique, and fearless and fight every day for their dreams and keep their communities’ culture and nature alive. Here are some beautiful examples of all-female projects worth being part of and cooperating through […]

¿Por qué el ecoturismo comunitario aporta más a los viajes?


Son emocionantes las mareas de cambios que recorren el mundo de los viajes. Sobre todo de la mano del ecoturismo comunitario, que ofrecen experiencias de reconexión, aventura, educativas y muy auténticas. Se trata de un turismo diferente, que hace hincapié en dejar un impacto y beneficiar directamente a las comunidades. Algo que la pandemia puso […]

Hot Springs Water an Impressive Benefit for the Body

vista a las grutas termales de tolantogo hidalgo

Immersing yourself in hot water, that comes from the earth is a unique experience that is intimately linked with nature, in particular with the possibility of finding a bit of mental and physical health among the mountains and rivers. According to specialists, hot springs offer the possibility of balancing our body through minerals and the […]