Guide complet sur le Chiapas


Voyager dans le Chiapas est l’occasion de se laisser tenter par de nouvelles expériences. L’État mexicain du Chiapas offre une abondance de paysages naturels à couper le souffle, allant des lacs aux cascades en passant par les canyons, ainsi que des “pueblos mágicos” (villages typiques) et des sites archéologiques. Ce qui le rend si charmant, […]

Live like a local means eating, shopping, and hanging like one


Today’s travelers want to get away from commercial tourism and experience the real side of destinations. Genuine experiences include food, traditions, culture, architecture, and people. According to the study by Paulauskaite et al., travelers associate authenticity with experiences where they can live like the locals and share their everyday lives. The study also mentions that […]

Day of the Dead and the Magic Essence of Chiapas

Panteón día de muertos

Situated in the mountains of the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico, the colonial city of San Cristobal de las Casas, with its culture, tradition, diversity, nature and freshness, gives life to one of the most famous celebrations in the world, the Day of the Dead. With an infinite number of fascinating sites, this destination […]

Day of the Dead in Mexico City: tradition, celebration and lots of color.

The end of the year festivities are approaching and with them, one of the most popular in the world is the Day of the Dead in Mexico City, an ancestral tradition that is a fundamental part of Mexico and its culture. For ancient and current Mexicans alike, honoring and remembering their ancestors and deceased is […]

Festival of souls: celebration of death in Mérida


These special days are approaching for all Mexicans when our loved ones return from the world of the dead to live with us. Throughout the Mexican Republic, celebrations are held to commemorate these days and the Yucatan is no exception. With over 10 years of tradition in Mérida, Yucatán, they celebrate the dead with the […]

Among crocodiles and mangroves at the Wotoch Aayin Ecotourism Center

Centro Ecoturístico Wotoch Aayin

Campeche is a state that has different places full of history and nature. It hosts natural wonders, where tourists may experience a reencounter with nature. An example of this natural diversity is the Wotoch Aayin ecotourism center. Wotoch Aayin “The House of the Crocodile,” in the Mayan language, is located in Isla Arena, which is […]

Entre cocodrilos y manglares en el Centro Ecoturístico Wotoch Aayin

Centro Ecoturístico Wotoch Aayin

Campeche es un estado que cuenta con distintos lugares llenos de historia en cada uno de sus espacios. También alberga maravillas naturales, donde los turistas podrán vivir un reencuentro con la naturaleza. Siendo el centro ecoturístico Wotoch Aayin, muestra de la riqueza natural que tiene el estado y que hay que preservar. Wotoch Aayin “La […]

Rutopía wins a 2022 Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Award


Tripadvisor is the world’s largest travel platform. It enables around 463 million travelers (monthly) to get the most incredible experience on every journey. Users worldwide use this site to read more than 859 million reviews from over 8.6 million businesses. Travelers choose this platform to compare prices with quality. The website is offered in 28 […]

Reconoce Tripadvisor a Rutopía en los Travelers’ Choice 2022


Tripadvisor es la plataforma de viajes más grande del mundo. Ayuda a que alrededor de 463 millones de viajeros (mensualmente) hagan de cada viaje su mejor experiencia. Personas de todo el mundo usan este sitio para leer entre más de 859 millones de opiniones de más de 8,6 millones de negocios. Los viajeros eligen esta […]