Your safety is our priority. We take it seriously, so should you.

We take care of your peace of mind while you travel

When you choose to travel with Rutopia you also choose to travel safely. Therefore, our destinations are verified, your trip is covered by Assist Card insurance and we offer you remote assistance from the beginning of your trip. We accompany you virtually every step of the way!

ocupamos seguridad
Cuando escoges viajar con Rutopía también eliges hacerlo de forma segura. Por ello, nuestros destinos están verificados, tu viaje cuenta con un seguro Assist Card y te ofrecemos asistencia remota desde que inicia su travesía. ¡Te acompañamos virtualmente en cada momento!

Verification of ecotourism destinations and their experiences

ocupamos seguridad 2

Every location, activity and hosts are carefully reviewed. In this way, we make sure that what they offer exists and that the place is safe before offering it to you as a destination.

COVID biosecurity protocols

We have implemented a Guide for the Safe Operation of Rutopia with cleaning and safety protocols that our hosts must follow for the well-being of all. In addition, the destinations have limited capacity, and outdoor and open-air activities.

The use of masks is indispensable at all times.

ocupamos seguridad 3

Hemos implementado una Guía para la Operación Segura de Rutopía con protocolos de limpieza y seguridad que nuestros anfitriones deben seguir para bienestar de todos. Además, los destinos tienen capacidad limitada y actividades al aire libre y en espacios abiertos.

El uso de cubrebocas es indispenseable en todo momento.

Virtual accompaniment with Rutopia

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While traveling with us, we will be with you remotely at every moment of your journey, 24/7, to assist you whenever you need it. From the moment you leave home until you return from your trip we will be available for you.

What else to do for a safe trip with Rutopia

Plan how you’ll get there and return form your destination, especially if you’re traveling by public transportation.

Preferably, travel during the day when you have to travel on highways or roads.

Make sure someone else knows your destiation and itinerary.

Make sure someone else knows your destiation and itinerary.

When using public transportation, take pictures of the license plates. If you get into a cab, also take pictures of the driver and send them to someone you trust. Let the dirver know that someone is monitoring your trip.

Be sure to carry cash, but keep it in a safe place.


It is an insurance for travelers that provides immediate service in case of any eventuality, anywhere in the republic, 24/7. Terrawind protects you from unexpected issues: medical assistance due to accident, illness or COVID, medical transfers, prescription drugs and 24/7 assistance, among other unforeseen events.

We have been very cautious in re-opening destinations and booking experiences, although no trip, service or destination can be guaranteed to be 100% COVID-free. We are working only with projects that have implemented sanitary measures, that have limited the number of visitors and that offer outdoor activities. If both travelers and hosts follow strict safety measures, the likelihood of contagion is minimal.

Thanks to our 24/7 monitoring and Terrawind insurance, we can help you immediately to get medical assistance. In addition, we are in constant communication with the hosts, so that they can inform us of any eventuality that may occur while our travelers are at their destinations.

A large part of those who travel through Rutopia are women traveling alone! They choose us because we provide them security. All our destinations are carefully selected, one of our criteria is that they are places where a traveler, man or woman, can walk peacefully during the day. We cannot guarantee that an incident will never happen, but we have established guidelines to make the experience safe from start to finish. In addition, we accompany you virtually throughout your experience, so technically you won’t be traveling alone.