A brief (but beautiful) guide of bird watching in Mexico

ave cotinga azuleja en la biosfera naha selva lacandona

Mexico is one of the most megadiverse countries in the world. According to UN data, the nation ranks fifth on the planet in terms of biodiversity and eighth in terms of bird concentration; in fact, it is estimated that more than a thousand different varieties fly in the skies of this territory, which makes this […]

Nahá, un pueblito de Chiapas escondido entre la Selva Lacandona


Aislado casi en medio de la nada, entre la flora densa y húmeda de las montañas de la Selva Lacandona ahí en el grandioso estado de Chiapas en el sureste de México, se encuentra el pueblito de Nahá un verdadero oasis inadvertido de nuestro país.  ¡Te diseñamos la experiencia regenerativa que esperabas! Solicita tu viaje […]

Nahá, a small town between Lacandon Jungle


Isolated in the dense and humid flora of the mountains of the Lacandon Jungle in the state of Chiapas in southeastern Mexico, and bordered by a yellow lake, the small town of Nahá is a true oasis. We design the regenerative experience you were waiting for! Request your trip Its population, less than 200 people, […]

The Cave of the Hanging Snakes Quintana Roo

serpiente ratonera en la cueva de kantemo

Every cave in Mexico has an extraordinary natural attraction. Perhaps for that reason, or only for that reason, there is none like the cave of the hanging snakes in Kantemó, Quintana Roo. A place where not only inhabit these reptiles (beautiful for some, terrifying for others) but also a group of species that over time […]

Sobre la (terrorífica y magnífica) cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes de Quintana Roo

serpiente ratonera en la cueva de kantemo

Cada cueva que hay en México cuenta con un atractivo natural extraordinario. Quizá por eso o sólo por eso, no hay ninguna como la cueva de las serpientes colgantes en Kantemó Quintana Roo. Un sitio en es  no solo habitan estos reptiles (hermosos para unos, terroríficos para otros) sino también un grupo de especies que a lo largo […]

About the Enchanted Forests of Oaxaca (manual for walking in the clouds)

bosques de niebla en oaxaca

When it comes to traveling in nature, getting lost in the green and the light coming out of the trees, there is no better place than the forests. Those ecosystems, full of trees and bushes that, besides being present in almost every continent, offer us the possibility of entering a bucolic landscape capable of making […]