Mazunte’s beaches (welcome to the shores of the world)

With Easter vacations so close, it could be necessary to start planning a getaway from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As far as the connection with the ocean is concerned, Rutopia offers a good variety of options to spend these days in one of Mexico’s beaches. From Baja California to the most essential […]

How about a trip to see the Endemic Orchids of Mexico?

orquidea oncidium amoenum

The great orchid varieties that exist in the world are so diverse that there are around 25 thousand species, of which Mexico is home to 300 endemic ones. As a curious fact, these plants are one of the oldest on the planet since the most ancient remains found date back to the dinosaur era. Likewise, these fantastic plants are characterized […]

Why a trip to indigenous communities will change you?


Mexico is a country of mixtures. Its fabulous richness comes in part from its pre-conquest past, which, thanks to the women and men of the indigenous communities, is still miraculously part of the social and cultural landscape of the Republic. The truth is that a trip through Mexico is already a bit of a trip […]

Mexique : volcans et histoire d’amour


Au Mexique, volcans et autres éléments et paysages naturels sont souvent chargés de symboliques importantes héritées des civilisations pré-hispaniques. La légende raconte, par exemple, que les volcans Popocatépetl et Iztaccíhuatl sont nés d’une histoire d’amour contrariée. Deuxième et troisième plus hauts sommets du Mexique et l’une des ressources naturelles les plus emblématiques du pays, ces […]

Meet the Divine Bird, The Quetzal in El Triunfo, Chiapas

quetzal el triunfo chiapas parado en una rama

Hundreds of years have passed since you told me that I was more valuable than metal or precious stones. My colors “livery green and gold” I been decorated for kings. Dazzling is my colorful, royal bird feathers. My name is Quetzal, linked to the feathered serpent; in my great cultures, it symbolizes the above and […]

A brief (but beautiful) guide of bird watching in Mexico

ave cotinga azuleja en la biosfera naha selva lacandona

Mexico is one of the most megadiverse countries in the world. According to UN data, the nation ranks fifth on the planet in terms of biodiversity and eighth in terms of bird concentration; in fact, it is estimated that more than a thousand different varieties fly in the skies of this territory, which makes this […]

What is a temazcal?


The temazcal would not exist without four elements: earth, water, fire and air