Five towns to visit and get to know the essence of Mexico

Rutopia Chiapas Tziscao Lugar Lagos de Montebello GAL05132 scaled

Mexico is a large country, full of exotic climates and places. From deserts in the north to humid jungles in the south. Likewise, the different environments and terrains allowed different peoples to settle in a region and develop a particular and unique culture. For that reason, in Mexico are many towns to visit and get to know the […]

Why should we know the Otomangues of Oaxaca?

Throughout Mexico, many linguistic families exist, among them the Otomangues. The indigenous communities that speak the Otomangue language cover the state of San Luis Potosí to Oaxaca, resulting in great cultural diversity. Likewise, the Otomangues, although united by their kinship and languages, are very different from one another. For example, some Otomangues live in arid valleys like the […]

Campeche: Cultural Heritage of Humanity City 

Mexico has a list of 13 Heritage Cities, and Campeche has been one since 1999. What sets Campeche a world heritage is that it’s the only walled city. Behind these walls, Campeche is full of history, culture, and gastronomy. Likewise, this walled city is known for its hexagonal defense system. In addition, Campeche has a colonial style and inexplicable beauty.  […]

Why do humans need to make authentic trips?

por que los humanos debemos realizar viajes

Nowadays, authentic travel is necessary to feel alive and relaxed while living original experiences far from conventional trips. This means transforming travel into genuine moments full of experiences and adventures that fill us with life. Travel can also be the ideal medicine for our physical and mental well-being, a disconnection to our daily routine, and reconnecting […]

Five Routes to Elaborate Pulque, Beverage of the Aztec Gods

pulque beverage of the aztec gods recien salido del tinacate

Do you see that beautiful plant they call maguey? It has a story inside, sweet as honey. It’s about Quetzalcóatl and the beautiful Mayahuel. Don’t forget the Aztecs call the maguey melt. ~Dictionary of Myths of America Pulque, the Beverage of the Aztec Gods  With tequila and mezcal, pulque is one of Mexico’s most traditional […]

Campeche, Mexico: a place full of history, flavor and nature

Campeche Ciudad Fortificada

Campeche is full of colors that make each corner a beautiful postcard. It is a little-known destination but very impressive. The state offers another point of view of the Mexican southeast, from its tourist sites, pirates and their treasures, and archaeological structures, to Caribbean flavors and sightings of birds and dolphins. Discover the city of […]

Cucapa: The people of the river

Cucapa means “people of the water” or “people of the river” because they live on the banks of the Colorado River in northwestern Sonora. Yumans are an ethnolinguistic family composed of 15 ethnic groups from the deserts of Baja, California, Sonora, Arizona, and California in the United States. The group has characteristics that denominate them as […]

Bienvenue à San José del Pacífico : forêt, champignons et des milliers de nuages


Imaginez-vous un voyage dans les nuages. Vous gravissez les pentes d’une montagne, le brouillard vous enveloppe doucement, caressant votre peau tandis que vos poumons se remplissent d’air frais. Au loin, l’océan étend son horizon, laissant deviner le goût salé des embruns. Ce n’est pas un rêve mais bien San José del Pacífico, l’un des plus beaux […]

Oaxaca: Mexico’s best

large Gastronomic tour oaxaca

Colors, tradition, beauty, and flavor are just some of the adjectives that describe Oaxaca. It is one of the favorite states of Mexicans and foreigners alike. Its simplicity, delicious black mole, black clay handicrafts, beautiful landscapes, and colonial architecture make Oaxaca stand out as the best tourist destination in all of Mexico. Oaxaca is located […]

The luxury of a tailor-made trip


We came from a pandemic that paralyzed the world in 2019 and left most people indoors. During that period thousands of trips were cancelled, events were suspended and people had to postpone their outdoor adventures. It was a hard blow for a modern person of the 21st century. Suddenly changed customs, thoughts and ideas, however […]