Oaxaca food tour and its seven different moles


Mole is a typical Mexican dish, it is so famous that it even has its own song, La cumbia del mole written by singer and composer Lila Downs. And there is no better way to talk about this ancestral dish than with the couplets of a melody made to celebrate this great discovery of Mexican […]

Oaxaca y sus siete tipos de moles


El mole es un platillo típico mexicano, es tan famoso que hasta tiene su propia canción, La cumbia del mole escrita por la cantante y compositora Lila Downs . Y es que no hay mejor manera para hablar de este platillo ancestral que con las coplas de una melodía hecha para festejar este gran hallazgo de la […]

Meet the Divine Bird, The Quetzal in El Triunfo, Chiapas

quetzal el triunfo chiapas parado en una rama

Hundreds of years have passed since you told me that I was more valuable than metal or precious stones. My colors “livery green and gold” I been decorated for kings. Dazzling is my colorful, royal bird feathers. My name is Quetzal, linked to the feathered serpent; in my great cultures, it symbolizes the above and […]